Using Lightweight Services drill (Pulling Units) for workover of wells is a common practice today in the global oil industry.
Petrincom has light towers for overhaul that allow faster and agile movement, as well as less time ensambling traditional computers. They reach a height of up to 107′ and are designed to lift up to 250,000 lb of tension.
Since 2003, their units have completed thousands of hours and hundreds of wells with different types of completion.
The advantages over traditional reconditioning towers are:
- Easier and faster mobilization
- Low mobilization costs
- Shorter operating times (up to 50% less)
All this allows a greater number of overhauls per month with a consequent increase in production and a lower cost per job of refurbishing.
All units have been purchased directly from the manufacturer and its design took into consideration all the needs of the local oil industry.
Se utiliza Power Swivels para los trabajos que requieren rotación.
Servicios de la Empresa
Workover performed in well that requiere:
- Background completions Change
- ESP Changes
- Hydraulic Pump changes
- Natural flow
- Gas Lift
- Tubing Recovering
- Evaluations
- Rotary works
- Initial Well Test
- Fisheries, grinding, fracturing, etc.
It has a full stock of tools and accessories own for the operation, such as BOP 7-1/16″ and 11″, all measures elevators, hydraulic wrenches, etc.